2004-11-13,1:01 a.m.
Past and Future

I am back online! After... God knows... 4 monts of nearly no connection at all, I now have full and good use to a connection right here, upstairs of our new and lush house.

Yeah, the house is all ours, mine and Em's (well, legally, Em's...). We moved in a week and a half ago and today got our net connection open. Hooray and three cheers!!!

Goodness, I don't know what to say now. I've been gone for a lifetime. And some idiot spams my guestbook. I have to take action to Jay's old advice and go get me another one that won't get all spammy.

Honestly, I'm so happy now. Utterly in love, much more so every day. The house is also fantastic, it's so much of a home already. Work is doing pretty ok. I'm getting my stuff in order finally after the drastic summer, and now I even have acess to this place again.

I was reading a magazine today on my way to work. On the last page it had an interview of a lady, who was telling the readers about her day, what she learned, how she felt, all that stuff. It had one question that kind of made me stop and think. It asked 'What do you cherish about relationships'. Now, today, I thought of one little thing I cherish. It's those moments that I spend with Em that are apart from my own day-to-day routines. See, I have my little life and he has his, we both do different things for living, we have different schedules, all that. I thought of how fantastic it is, to come home from my lonely working life, and to sit on the sofa and drink tea with him. Or to climb on the roof on a Sunday afternon and clean the rooftop from leaves that have fallen down, together. Or to wake up awfully early, like we did today, only to drive to town and to go for breakfast in a cafe before we have to split our own ways to go to work. Or even to spend the night with him. Even that is special. Although we've done that near enough every night for the last six months. I miss him on nights like this when he comes home from a gig at 4am. But how I love it when he softly climbs on the bed in the middle of the night and gives a kiss on my neck and wakes me up from my sleep...

Those ones I do cherish.

But hey, I'm going to bed now, although the temptation to stay here all night would be quite big...

All is good and well in paradise, now sleep tight, as will I.

I'll catch you up sooner than you can imagine!
Hugs and love,

f xxx

Frankie is listening to:
puter humming on the floor

Frankie is reading:
hm. not really anything, am I?I should start something. Any ideas?

Frankie's current mood:
Kind of numb, after 4 hours of sleep and 18.5 of wake.


one more year on the line
dreams and wakes and runs
Madness, I tell you.
a fool on the hill

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