work tomorrow? impossible...
2004-08-23,12:24 p.m.
Past and Future

Still no sign of connection to the net. I'm getting frustrated here. I miss this part of my world.

Darling Pam is moving and has gone offline for a while, and I hardly even knew about it. Good luck to her with it all, I -if anyone- know how it's like stacking all one's stuff together and leaving everything behind. But it's a good thing, moving on, following one's own path and doing one's own things, making own decisions.

Work is starting tomorrow, in Keuruu. Next week I'm starting another class, and the week after that another. It's all starting so slowly. That's good in a way, there's time to adjust to being at work again. In another way, I'd like everything to start at once, at least I'd get paid properly.

Me and sis made up a deal. From today until the end of November, we have to move somehow at least twice a week, go to the gym or take and aerobics class or go for a jog or something. If either fails, we are not allowed to do anything Christmasy for the whole of December. That's a strong enough bet, there is NO WAY either one of us is going to fail. Christmas is too special. I'm starting today with a two hour Box-Bic training, and on Thursdays I have a ballet class. That's this week sorted!

Now it's time to go home and plan tomorrow's classes.

Catch you up soon enough, I should hope.


Frankie is listening to:
I don't remember what this is... Em's playing something.

Frankie is reading:
Harry Potter the 5th

Frankie's current mood:
A bit anxious about tomorrow. Scared to go back to work... Apart from that, lush and in love.


one more year on the line
dreams and wakes and runs
Madness, I tell you.
a fool on the hill

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